NYSCF UnprovenStemCellTherapies202204



How do we accelerate legitimate stem cell therapies while protecting patients from fraudulent clinics?

While many promising stem cell therapies are in development for heart disease, macular degeneration, Parkinson’s disease, and more, ‘bad actor’ clinics worldwide are exploiting the excitement around stem cells to sell expensive, unproven therapies to vulnerable patients with limited options. These therapies are not only fraudulent and ineffective, but have in many cases caused significant harm to patients. Despite significant federal efforts to shut down these clinics, they continue to proliferate in the United States, creating challenges for regulators and patients alike.

Join experts Peter Marks, MD, PhD, Timothy Caulfield, LLM, FRSC, FCAHS, Valentina Fossati, PhD, and Jeffrey Kahn, PhD, MPH as they explore the science behind legitimate stem cell therapies and what these unproven stem cell clinics are offering patients. This discussion will be moderated by NYSCF CEO & Founder Susan L. Solomon, JD.

April 13, 2022
11:00 AM ET
